And now we will discuss about operators in C.

Generally we have three types of operator

1 Unary operator

2 Binary operator

3 Ternary operator or conditional operator

Unary operator

Unary operators are used only single operands

For example (), [] , {} etc.

Binary operator

Binary operator need two operands For example addition ,subtraction, multiplication etc.

Ternary operator

This operator need three operands to work one is condiction and two are expresion. We will deeply study while we make some programs on it.

Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators are you to perform any mathematical operation


+ adding

- subtracting

* multiply

/ divide

% finding remainder.{10%3=1(remainder)}

there all are arithmetic operator type of binary operater.

Relational operators

From it’s come in the name of operator this operator show any relation between two operands.

< less then

> greater then

== equal to

<= less than equal to

>= greater than equal to

!= no equal to

They are also binary operator

Logical operator

We have three kind of logical operator in C.

& and operator

|| or operator

! not operater

Sizeof() operator

This operator tell us the size of a data type. We will discuss it later while we may program on operator.