Calculator using if-else
// We are going to code a calculater in our this program. // let’s start.
#include // We are goint to use exit function in this code so we
// connect this library.
void main()
double number_1,number_2,result;
char operaction;
printf("Enter your Both Number : ");
fflush(stdin); // this is use for flushing enter you pressed. affter
// entering number if we not use fflush then n
// will store in operator and we got wrong result.
// It also comes in stdio.h library of C.
printf("Please select a operaction from the given list :n");
printf(" + for addiction n");
printf(" * for multiply n");
printf(" - for subtruction n");
printf(" / for devide n");
printf(" %% for remander n");// here we use %% because it display %
// on output.
if ( operaction == '+' ) // or if ( operaction == 43 ) ASCII value of +
result = number_1+number_2;
else if( operaction == '-' ) // or if ( operaction == 45 ) ASCII value of -
result = number_1-number_2;
else if ( operaction == '*' ) // or if ( operaction == 42 ) ASCII value of *
result = number_1*number_2;
else if (operaction == '/' ) // or if ( operaction == 47 ) ASCII value of /
result = number_1/number_2;
else if ( operaction == '%' ) // or if ( operaction == 37 ) ASCII value of %
result = (int)number_1%(int)number_2;
exit(1);//It is a jump statement who close the program
// we will discus about it later and we can
// It use stdlib.h library of C.
// write any number in ().There is no compulsion
// to write 1 in it.
printf("nnn Your result is %.2lf.nnnn",result);