What Are Operators And Why We Need Them

Operators are used to perform any operations on the variables or on different values for example performing mathematical operations like -, +, % etc.. on integers.

Here is a list of type of operators in GO:

Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators are you to perform any mathematical operation


+ adding

- subtracting

* multiply

/ divide

% finding remainder.{10%3=1(remainder)}

package main

import ("fmt")

func main(){

	i := 12
	j := 4

	fmt.Println("Arithmetic Operators: ")

	fmt.Println( i - j )
	fmt.Println( i + j )
	fmt.Println( i / j )
	fmt.Println( i % j )
	fmt.Println( i * j )


Relational operators

From it’s come in the name of operator this operator show any relation between two operands.

< less then

> greater then

== equal to

<= less than equal to

>= greater than equal to

!= no equal to

package main

import ("fmt")

func main(){

	i := 12
	j := 4

	fmt.Println("Relational Operators: ")

	fmt.Println( i < j )
	fmt.Println( i > j )
	fmt.Println( i == j )
	fmt.Println( i <= j )
	fmt.Println( i >= j )
	fmt.Println( i >= j )


Logical operator

We have three kind of logical operator in GO. logical operator works on simple principle wither values are true or false. NOTE : We can only use these operators with boolean values.

&& and operator

|| or operator

! not operator

package main

import ("fmt")

func main(){

	i := 1
	j:= 2

	fmt.Println( i == 1 || j == 2 )
	fmt.Println( true || true )
	fmt.Println( true && true )
	fmt.Println( false && true )


Assignment Operators

Assignment Operators are used to assign a value to any variable.

= equal to

-= not equal to

+= add and equal to

/= divide and equal to

*= multiply and equal to

%= reminder and equal to

package main

import ("fmt")

func main(){

	i := 1

	i = 9

	i += 9

	i -= 9

	i /= 9


Address operators

& This operator is used to get the address of the variable. * This operator provides you the value located at any address.

package main

import ("fmt")

func main(){

	i := 9

	j := &i

	fmt.Println( j )

	fmt.Println( *j )



go run Day11/addr.go 

Bitwise operators

| OR operator

& AND operator

package main

import ("fmt")

func main(){

	fmt.Println( 0 | 0 )
	fmt.Println( 45 | 0 )


There are a few more but we don’t use them that frequently so skipping the same for now.

Doc was written in this livestream [Learn Go Day 11]